Sonic To Be Unleashed On Wii and PS2? - Cool New Gadgets and Gizmos Blog
Sonic unleash platformWhen we first saw screens of Sonic Unleashed, it was pretty clear that we were looking at something that was only feasible on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. No offense intended to the GameCube Turbo, but Sonic and the Secret Rings didn't look this good. Chatter about a sensible Wii version has been making the rounds since first screens and video sneaked out, but it would appear that Sega is planning to unleash more Sonic love on every viable platform.

Retailer GameStop is currently listing Sonic Unleashed for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, as well as the Wii and PlayStation 2. All listings are labeled with November 4 ship dates, along with platform appropriate pricing.

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