10 years of Blogging - Cool New Gadgets and Gizmos Blog
The fact that ‘blogging’ racked up its tenth anniversary this week was pretty amazing, but the real surprise must be how far the concept has reached. Who would have thought that blogs would be used to report the news like the recent unrest in Burma, where traditional news sources can’t get access, or that the whole social networking phenomenon would have evolved out of the blogging world.

For the record the proper name is Weblog and was created by Jorn Barger. In recognition of the ten years here are a few facts:
  • Technorati is currently tracking more than 70 million weblogs.
  • In late 1998 (estimated that) only 23 blogs existed.
  • In 1999 the word “blog” was coined as a shortened form of the original term.
  • There are now 120,000 new blogs being created every day.
  • Posts are being added to blogs at a rate of 17 per second - a total of 1.5 million per day.

Source- http://www.gadgetell.com/2007/12/10-years-of-blogging/
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