1. BioShock: My AP colleague Matt Slagle called it the game of the year, and I have no argument. Ken Levine's undersea epic combines a thought-provoking story, compelling gameplay, dazzling visuals and a lush soundtrack to create one of gaming's true masterpieces.
2. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction": Everyone's favorite lombax-robot team returns in this delightful space-faring romp. The animation is movie-quality; the action, whether you're swinging between platforms or blowing up aliens, is consistently satisfying.
3. Super Mario Galaxy: Just about every planet Mario visits in his latest adventure provides a new kind of challenge, giving "SMG" more "how'd-they-think-of-that?" moments than a dozen of its competitors — combined.
4. Mass Effect: BioWare's latest role-playing game lets you explore one of the most elaborate science-fiction universes ever created, in a fascinating galactic chase that requires you to make some real moral choices.
5. Rock Band: Add drums and a microphone to the "Guitar Hero" formula and you have the best multiplayer game of the year. Huge props to developer Harmonix for landing songs from an excellent cross-section of real-life rockers, from Metallica to The Clash.
6. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3: I'm a sucker for old-school, turn-based role-playing games, and this was the year's best, adding a disturbing story and — of all things — a dating simulator.
7. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: The venerable combat series leaves World War II behind and moves into the 21st century — but still sets the standard for first-person shooters.
8. Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords: Mixing a puzzle game with a role-playing fantasy sounds like a terrible idea until it's 4 a.m. and all you want to do is just fight one more ogre.
9. Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure: Don't let the cute characters fool you: This throwback to the graphic adventures of the '80s and '90s offers some of the toughest brainteasers around.
10. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass: Nintendo showed everyone else how to make a great DS game with another brilliant chapter in its "Zelda" cycle.
THE REST OF THE BEST: A few other games that didn't make it into my top 10 deserve some mention:
Best game that almost seems like an afterthought: "Portal," the innovative puzzle game that rounded out Electronic Arts' "Half-Life 2" omnibus, "The Orange Box."
Best Xbox Live Arcade game: "Catan," Big Huge Games' slick adaptation of the classic board game "Settlers of Catan."
Best TV-based game: "The Simpsons Game."
Best game-based TV: "South Park," for its tributes to "World of Warcraft" and "Guitar Hero."
Best new character: "Eternal Sonata" protagonist Frederic Chopin — yes, the legendary Polish composer.
Best trend: Games go mainstream, thanks largely to Nintendo's Wii and DS. Even your grandma has joined a Wii bowling league.
Source- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071218/ap_en_ot/games_news_bytes;_ylt=AvAl5XYXsckkD1HooaPtBT4jtBAF
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