Novatel Wireless MiFi 2372 Intelligent Mobile - Cool New Gadgets and Gizmos Blog
Novatel Wireless MiFi 2372 Intelligent MobileNovatel Wireless introduces the MiFi 2372 Intelligent Mobile hotspot launched and it is optimized for North American HSPA network. The MiFi 2372 as a HSPA to WiFi router basically connects to HSPA network and then shares the internet connect to up to five devices via WiFi. The MiFi 2372 supports:
  • HSPA
  • UMTS 3G
  • EDGE
  • GPRS
  • Data speeds 7.2 Mbps downlink and 5.76 Mbps uplink
  • Built-in GPS receiver
  • microSD card slot
Similar to the other models in the MiFi line of Intelligent Mobile Hotspots and the other such products available on the market (and quite a few such devices have been released lately) the MiFi 2372 creates a personal cloud of high-speed Internet connectivity that can be easily shared between multiple users and Wi-Fi devices such as laptops, cameras, gaming devices, smartphones and portable multimedia players.
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